All are welcome to worship here at St. Luke Parish in Carol Stream. We are a small but mighty parish and offer weekday masses, weekend masses, confessions, and Eucharistic Adoration.
Targeted Restructuring Updates
For Bishop Hick's message on the Joliet Targeted Restructuring initiative, click HERE.​​​​ ​​
For Bishop's 2/14 email to Father Mike, click HERE.
For the attachment from the 2/14 email to Father Mike, click HERE.
For the decree from the Diocese, click HERE.
Morning Weekday Mass Schedule:
Monday & Friday 10:00 am
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday at 5:00pm
Sunday at 10:00am
Confession Schedule:
Monday & Friday at 9:30am
Saturday at 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Eucharist Adoration Schedule:
Thursday at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
To view our current bulletin, click HERE.
​​To receive updates and important parish information, register for FLOCKNOTE by texting stlukeparish to 84576.​​​