Religious Education
In Religious Education, we strive to provide a family-oriented learning environment that encourages children and families to appreciate the importance of religious education. We invite students 1st through 8th grade into our program. Our class times are on Sundays from 11:00am to 12:30pm. Registration for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year will begin on Monday, July 29th. All registration paperwork and payments will be due by August 30th to ensure our new course materials from Ignatius Press arrive in time for the first class.
Registration paperwork can be printed from the download options below. For immediate questions or concerns please contact the parish office during office hours, Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 3:00pm or email religiousedstuke@gmail.com
2024-2025 Tuition To make an online payment go to RE PAYMENT
One child - $175.00
Second Child - $50.00
Third Child - Free
One time First Communion Fee - $50.00
One time Confirmation Fee - $50.00